Enhance your Roblox gameplay with Project Delta’s Silent Aim and Perfect Prediction features. Silent Aim lets you automatically target enemies, while Perfect Prediction improves hit accuracy by forecasting movements and projectile drops.
local CHEAT_CLIENT = {} do
CHEAT_CLIENT.player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
CHEAT_CLIENT.camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
CHEAT_CLIENT.mouse = CHEAT_CLIENT.player:GetMouse()
function CHEAT_CLIENT:get_target()
local current_target = nil
local maximum_distance = math.huge
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then continue end
if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
local position, on_screen = CHEAT_CLIENT.camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
if not on_screen then continue end
local distance = (Vector2.new(position.X, position.Y - game.GuiService:GetGuiInset(game.GuiService).Y) - Vector2.new(CHEAT_CLIENT.mouse.X, CHEAT_CLIENT.mouse.Y)).Magnitude
if distance > maximum_distance then continue end
current_target = v
maximum_distance = distance
return current_target
function CHEAT_CLIENT:predict_velocity(target_part, projectile_speed)
local velocity = target_part.Velocity
local distance = (CHEAT_CLIENT.camera.CFrame.p - target_part.CFrame.p).Magnitude
local time_to_hit = (distance / projectile_speed)
local predicted_position = target_part.CFrame.p + (velocity * time_to_hit)
local delta = (predicted_position - target_part.CFrame.p).Magnitude
local final_projectile_speed = projectile_speed - 0.013 * projectile_speed ^ 2 * time_to_hit ^ 2
time_to_hit += (delta / final_projectile_speed)
return target_part.CFrame.p + (velocity * time_to_hit)
function CHEAT_CLIENT:predict_drop(target_part, projectile_speed, projectile_drop)
local distance = (CHEAT_CLIENT.camera.CFrame.p - target_part.CFrame.p).Magnitude
local time_to_hit = (distance / projectile_speed)
local final_projectile_speed = projectile_speed - 0.013 * projectile_speed ^ 2 * time_to_hit ^ 2
time_to_hit += (distance / final_projectile_speed)
local drop_timing = projectile_drop * time_to_hit ^ 2
if not tostring(drop_timing):find("nan") then
return drop_timing
return 0
function CHEAT_CLIENT:get_bullet_atribute(attribute)
local attribute_value = nil
local status = game.ReplicatedStorage.Players[CHEAT_CLIENT.player.Name]:FindFirstChild("Status")
if status then
local equipped_tool = status.GameplayVariables.EquippedTool.Value
if equipped_tool then
local inventory_equipped_tool = game.ReplicatedStorage.Players[CHEAT_CLIENT.player.Name].Inventory:FindFirstChild(tostring(equipped_tool))
if inventory_equipped_tool then
local mag = inventory_equipped_tool.Attachments:FindFirstChild("Magazine") and inventory_equipped_tool.Attachments:FindFirstChild("Magazine"):FindFirstChildOfClass("StringValue") and inventory_equipped_tool.Attachments:FindFirstChild("Magazine"):FindFirstChildOfClass("StringValue"):FindFirstChild("ItemProperties").LoadedAmmo or inventory_equipped_tool.ItemProperties:FindFirstChild("LoadedAmmo")
if mag then
local first_bullet_type = mag:FindFirstChild("1")
if first_bullet_type then
attribute_value = game.ReplicatedStorage.AmmoTypes[first_bullet_type:GetAttribute("AmmoType")]:GetAttribute(attribute)
return attribute_value
local silent_aim_hook; silent_aim_hook = hookfunction(require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.FPS.Bullet).CreateBullet, function(...)
local args = {...}
if CHEAT_CLIENT:get_target() then
local attribute_velocity = CHEAT_CLIENT:get_bullet_atribute("MuzzleVelocity")
local attribute_drop = CHEAT_CLIENT:get_bullet_atribute("ProjectileDrop")
local target_part = CHEAT_CLIENT:get_target() and CHEAT_CLIENT:get_target().Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
if attribute_velocity and attribute_drop and target_part then
args[9] = {CFrame = CFrame.new(args[9].CFrame.p, CHEAT_CLIENT:predict_velocity(target_part, attribute_velocity) + Vector3.new(0, CHEAT_CLIENT:predict_drop(target_part, attribute_velocity, attribute_drop), 0))}
return silent_aim_hook(unpack(args))
What is Project Delta?
Project Delta is a Roblox script designed to boost your gaming experience. It offers features like Silent Aim, which enables automatic enemy targeting, and Perfect Prediction, which enhances hit accuracy by predicting movements and projectile trajectories.
Benefits of Project Delta
Optimized Gameplay: These features work together to provide a smoother and more efficient gaming experience.
Enhanced Targeting: Silent Aim allows for automatic enemy targeting, giving players a competitive edge.
Improved Accuracy: Perfect Prediction forecasts enemy movements and projectile paths, leading to more precise hits.
How to Run the Script:
- Copy the Script: Click the “COPY” button to instantly copy the script to your clipboard.
- Paste the Script: Open your script editor and paste the copied script into it.
- Execute the Script: Run the script within your editor to execute it.
Note: Roblox scripts are used by developers and players to create engaging and interactive games on the Roblox platform. These scripts are written in Lua, a widely-used and beginner-friendly programming language.